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Darren Sandbeck, Chief Paramedic and Senior Provincial Director of Emergency Medical Services will leave Alberta Health Services, this according to AHS. (Screenshot provided by AHS promotional video)
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Darren Sandbeck, Chief Paramedic and Senior Provincial Director of Emergency Medical Services will leave Alberta Health Services, this according to AHS. (Screenshot provided by AHS promotional video)

Alberta Health Services confirmed that as of January 9, 2023, Darren Sandbeck, Chief Paramedic and Senior Provincial Director of Emergency Medical Services will leave Alberta Health Services.

AHS said Sandbeck's leaving is not connected to the workplace investigation that is currently underway regarding some EMS management practices in the Calgary Zone. 

AHS added that interim leadership is being put in place and that AHS is committed to delivering on the improvements outlined in the EMS 10-point plan.

"The plan focuses on reducing EMS response times, shortening the turnaround times for ambulances and paramedics arriving at emergency departments and increasing staff and capital equipment," a written statement from AHS read. 

AHS said that Sandbeck has been a recognized leader within AHS since its inception and that they appreciate the expertise and skills that he has brought to the organization, and to emergency medical services in Alberta.

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