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Members of the Great Plains Power Station and the Salvation Army in Moose Jaw.

The Great Plains Power Station in Moose Jaw donated a generously large amount of Christmas presents to the Salvation Army Adopt a Family program yesterday. 

$11,742.85 worth (and counting), to be exact. 

“[The money] has supplied 11 families and 31 people with their whole entire Christmas,” says Campaign Leader, and Safety Administrator at Burns and McDonnell, Jadelynn Wilcox.  

Each child got about 6 gifts. 

The adults received about $378 for their Christmas and were supplied with gift cards for breakfast, dinner, and cookies for Santa. 

“We were really wanting to give back, and do something special in the community, and we felt that this was something that would help those families in need. This was very magical and special, and very gratifying,” added Wilcox. 

All of the gifts are to be distributed to the 11 families before Christmas. 

Lt. Lester Ward, the Pastor and Director of Community and Family Services for the Salvation Army Moose Jaw, was also beyond thrilled with the outcome. 

“Approximately almost $12,000 in gifts... We're so thankful to the Great Plains Power Plant. I’m just in awe of the support that goes out to the needs of people in the community, and the generosity of the people of Moose Jaw.” 
