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This is the home’s sixth COVID-19 outbreak of 2022.

Leadership with Kenora’s Pinecrest Home for the Aged says after consultations with the Northwestern Health Unit, their COVID-19 outbreak status and associated restrictions are expected to continue until December 30 at least.

The COVID-19 outbreak was reported on December 10 as two residents tested positive for the illness.

Assistant Administrator, Michelle Spencer, says the outbreak grew to seven residents but three of them are now off of isolation status. But as a result, the outbreak status has been extended to December 30 at the earliest and could continue. As well, Unit #1’s Christmas party has been postponed.

As a result, visitor restrictions are as follows in Unit #1:

- One essential caregiver for positive residents, unless otherwise approved,
- Two essential caregivers for remaining residents, unless otherwise approved,
- No designated caregiver under the age of 18,
- No general visitors,
- Essential caregivers visiting positive residents must wear personal protective equipment,
- When possible, visits should remain in the residents’ room,

Visitor restrictions haven’t changed for Units #2, 3 or 4. But all visitors are reminded that if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell, please refrain from visiting the home.

This is the home’s sixth COVID-19 outbreak of 2022.
