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Jordan St. Cyr video

A new video for Jordan St. Cyr's single, 'Fires,' is a powerful visual testimony of God's goodness in the face of uncertainty, using actual people and their stories as the actors.

The song was originally written a few years ago, inspired by the story of a man St. Cyr met who shared his testimony with the singer. Through many trials, the man told St. Cyr that he clung to the promises of God in Scripture. Released in 2020, the single made an appearance on Billboard's New and Noteworthy chart and also charted at No. 47 on the Billboard Audience NCA chart.

Now with the single come to life in a video, St. Cyr says it's a dream come true. "It's everything, really, because I keep going back to this about creating impact. It really is all about entering people's lives through their eyes and their ears, and this video is just going to take that to the next level, of sharing stories of real people going through real things."

For St. Cyr, it was important to show the difficulties that others have gone through so they could also see God's care on display. That includes his own family's trials, after his daughter Emery was born with a brain disease. The song, written well before her birth, has become an anthem for the family that they cling to in the midst of uncertainty.

"People are really going to see the fires of different individuals, things that they've walked through and how God has been faithful in their lives. That's really the message; God's faithfulness in our lives helps us to stand, helps us to breathe, helps us to live our best life."

The video ends by sharing the fires that the actors have come through with God by their side.

In an email to fans announcing the release, St. Cyr says, "Whether you’re a person of faith or not, we all will experience trouble. We‘ll encounter times of disappointment, struggle and pain. But these seasons, they are a proving ground for what we believe, and while faith doesn’t give us a free pass from hardship, it can give us a way through if we let it. Leaning into faith allows God to speak truth into our circumstances.  Truth that says: 'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.' (Isaiah 41:10)

"God has a plan and a purpose for the fire you are facing. He will use it to reshape you, refine you, make you stronger, and to remind you that He’s never left and He never will."
