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Cameron Friesen (Supplied)

As the calendar flipped to January 2022, Manitobans were still contending with some pandemic-related restrictions.
Manitoba Finance Minister, Cameron Friesen said it was a highlight to see people getting out and being engaged once those restrictions were lifted by his government last spring.

After two summers with pandemic-related restrictions, Friesen said the summer of 2022 had people doing many typical summer things.

“It's been great to see...they saw family, they traveled, they went to baseball, they went to soccer, they went to recitals, and those are the things we want people to be doing. Reengaging in society, going to restaurants, re-engaging in their work, and having quality of life." 

Meanwhile, as people across the province continue to face challenges and uncertainty in our current economic environment, Friesen says the Conservatives will continue to be there to help them manage. He cited the historic payment back to Manitobans last year with respect to the Property Tax Rebate, the significant Renters Credit program, and their affordability package in the fall as examples.

Friesen says 2022 was also a significant year, in terms of the weather. He said there were times early in the spring when Southern Manitoba farmers didn't know how they would manage to get a crop in the ground.

"It has been, since then, oh course very gratifying to see a banner year for agriculture in our area, and indeed in many areas of Manitoba," said Friesen.

"But on the subject of flooding, it's very significant and impacting very significantly right here in Morden-Winkler. We know our government has been there, along with the federal government through the Disaster Financial Assistance Program to measure the costs of the flood to municipal governments, to businesses, and to individuals, and then to be able to help fund repairs."

Friesen noted the Alvey and Parkhill Street bridges in Morden are being replaced, in large part, thanks to an investment of funding from the provincial government. He added both bridges are being built to better withstand flood conditions and high water conditions in the future.

Author Alias