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Kenora City council isn’t taking much time to act on a public meeting late last month.

One of their promises was to hire a Community Safety & Well Being Coordinator.

Councillor Graham Chaze says the salary of just over $87,600 a year might not be enough.

“I have concerns that the salary range might be too low,” Chaze said at the Committee of the Whole meeting of city council on Wednesday morning.

“I’m worried about being able to attract the right kind of professional with the experience we’re seeking, especially in a high profile position that takes a lot of flack from this community.  This person is going to be under a lot of pressure.”

Chaze suggests the city might look at a higher paying position compared to what is proposed.

“I have serious concerns that we’re maybe shooting ourselves in the foot here and not setting the city up for success by being able to attract and retain the level of professional we need for this type of role.”

The rest of city council echoed Chaze’s concerns.

Human Resources Manager Roberta Marsh says this will be a full time, permanent position with an operating budget of $75,000.

In addition to the Community and Safety and Well Being Coordinator, the city is looking to revamp the terms of reference of the Crime Prevention Committee.
