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Marla Holdstock receiving the Neal Keefe award from president of the Weyburn Agricultural Society, TJ Metherall (photo courtesy of Brandie Fisher).

The Weyburn Agricultural Society recently presented the Neal Keefe Award to two deserving recipients, with one award going out to the Fisher family for the 2021 year and to Marla Holdstock for the 2022 year.

President TJ Metherall said the former government restrictions had them wait to present the 2021 award.

He said Kent, Brandie, Keira and Kai Fisher, received the award, "for all the work that they did around the grounds and stepping up anytime they needed something to be done, they did."

Marla Holdstock was the 2022 Chairperson for Flavours of Fall, an annual food and beverage expo hosted by the Weyburn Ag Society. In September they saw 800 attend the event, which returned after a two year break.

"They had a great successful Flavors of Fall this last fall," said Metherall, noting she also helped out in the office during the fair.

He said her family has also always been involved with the 4H sale. "Her family's always helped the sale, so they've been a big part." 

The honour, Metherall said, is in memory of Neal Keefe, who passed away in 2018. Neal was always volunteering with the organization, along with his wife Rae.

"Neal was in just about every directorship you could think of right from President all the way through like entertainment and parking policing, gates," he said. "I'm sure he was on every chair of every aspect of the Weyburn Agricultural Society."

He said Neal had his ways of doing things, and got a lot more done than people realized. 

"Neal did a lot of stuff that people didn't even realize what he that he did, until he was gone and then we're like, 'holy, now we got so much more to do', you know? We didn't realize there was this stuff behind the scenes, all these little things that Neal just did and then once he passed then there was a big shoes to fill. Nobody thought of it before. It just got done."

Metherall added the organization is always looking for volunteers, and not only for the fair, but for the 4-H, as well as ongoing year-round initiatives like the Crokicurl rink. Read more HERE.

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Kent and Brandie Fisher receiving the Neal Keefe Memorial .
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Keira and Kai Fisher.

