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Triple Play is once again hitting up the city for funding.

It was one of the groups that presented their budget request last week.

Barry Reynard is the coordinator of the program and says they aren’t asking for a lot of money.

“We’re looking for the $12,000 ask,” Reynard told Kenora city council last week at their open meeting.

“Our revenue sources come from a variety of areas.  We’re averaging on the small end of $100,000 in revenue, as well our as expenditures.  We like to spend that out as well.”

Reynard says they have a number of new programs this year to get kids out and playing once again after a couple of years of being housebound by COVID.

“Some really cool partnership opportunities.  We’re looking to fund this year, a re-opportunity of the skateboard park.   We’re bringing back some old found dollars there and matching that up with a partnership with Boardanyone, to utilize and get boards for kids and put a skills camp on for no charge.”

Reynard adds that they receive funds for Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Campaign, and this year was the most successful year ever, with over $23,000 donated.
