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First Nations in the area now have access to a Geoportal.

Grand Council #3 has launched the portal to gather, store and share data from indigenous communities in the region.

With the Geoportal, first nations can find out what kind of resource activities are going on in the region, as well as economic opportunities, sharing knowledge and teachings and protecting sacred sites in the Treaty #3 Territory.

Grand Chief Francis Kavanaugh says it’s an important step for Indigenous communities in their territory.

“Data is a driver to all negotiations, actions and upholding our responsibilities to mother earth,” said Kavanaugh in a statement.

“Today we take a huge step forward in asserting data sovereignty in Treaty #3 and this portal will provide a foundation on which we can move forward together.”

Chief Lorraine Cobiness from the Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation agrees there’s a lot of information that can be shared with first nation communities.

“There is so much going on in Treaty #3 Territory that we needed a place to track it all and the Geoportal provides that home for all our data.”

“Now we can continue to effectively make decisions that protect our inherent and treaty rights and community members for future generations.

Communities can also access to online mapping tools, and save projects and documents.
