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The Kenora District Services Board is working on a proposal for a dormitory at the Seven Generations Campus in Kenora.

Henry Wall is the CAO of the KDSB and says housing is one of the biggest needs for students wanting to do their post-secondary schooling.

“We’re partnering with Seven Generations Education Institute for 67 housing units,” explained Wall in a meeting with Ontario’s finance committee earlier this month.

“Some would be like student dorms, like bachelor units, but also multi-bedroom, because we do know we have single parents who are looking to get an education who have one, two, three, four, five children.”

Wall adds that it would help students who are doing their training at Seven Generation.

“What we have proposed is having is right on this campus here, to actually build housing that will actually empower individuals.”

The new building would have room for classrooms to house things like their Early Childhood Education programs.
