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Skijoring at TMBC in 2022 (submitted)

Turtle Mountain Bible Camp hopes some outdoor fun will help raise awareness of camp activities and funding for one of the programs.

February 18th is when the camp will host Winter Fun Day.

Assistant Director Chelsie Zylstra points out the day will include the Skijoring which is a fund-raising event for TMBC’s equestrian program. Skijoring is when people are pulled by a horse and ride either a sled or snowboard.

“Our equestrian director Stephanie is running the event and she has riders on the horses and participants get towed around the camp. Our site manager has cleared a path all around the camp. You can go for a leisure ride or a fast ride and it’s good for people of all ages and it’ll be a lot of fun.”

TMBC is making this an annual event, and this is year two for the program and around 50 people attended. “People had to book ahead last year because of restrictions that were in place but this year things have opened up and we are hoping for a few more people, said Zylstra.

The Winter Fun Day is intended to get people to the camp because Chelsie Zylstra says they’ve never really had people at the camp other than for summer programs.

“Sunday with the tubing day will be all free and there will be coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cookies. The Skijoring event is all by donation and no specific charge.”


Camp registrations for 2023 opened up mid-January.

