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Missionfest week 2022 (use this)

Missionfest Manitoba is back in its regular spot for 2023 with the theme this year of Holy Ambition. 

The event takes place from Friday, February 3, through Sunday, February 5, at Church of the Rock in Winnipeg (1397 Buffalo Place). Over 100 exhibitors will be on hand with booths showing the work that they do to make Jesus known right here in Manitoba and around the globe.

See interviews with some of the exhibitors and breakout session leaders below.


Volunteers are still needed to make the event successful. People who are able to give even a few hours this weekend can signup on the volunteer page of the MfM website.

Donate to MfM online: Missionfest says that, while they benefit from the good financial stewardship of the board and previous leadership, like all mission organizations, they rely on the generosity of like-minded people.

Missionfest needs partnerships in prayer and financial support from churches, businesses and individuals to be able to carry on with the work we have been called to do.


Dr. Timothy Sisk

Dr. Timothy Sisk is a professor at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illionois. Sisk will be joining everyone at Missionfest Manitoba and he is one of the Plenary Speakers at the event. To hear what he will be speaking on, click the video below. 

Jordan Lepine

Jordan Lepine is the admissions councillor at Nipawin Bible College in Nipawin, Saskatchewan. The college will have a booth set up at Missionfest and they are also sponsoring the after-hours event put on for youth on Friday night at Church of the Rock, on February 3. 

Alex Henderson

Alex Henderson is representing Katalyst World Partners at Missionfest Manitoba. They will have a booth set up to share about their ministry and how Katalyst is spreading the gospel around the world through agriculture and education. 

Susan Penner

Susan Penner is the Executive Director of Life Culture based in Steinbach, Manitoba. Penner is one of the presenters during the break out sessions and she'll cover the pro-life topic view and it's place in ministry here in the province. 

Howard Moore

Howard Moore is on the board at Missionfest Manitoba. Moore shares his heart for missions in Canada and abroad, as well as shares what he is most looking forward to this year.

Alison Wells-Dyck

Alison Wells-Dyck is the Volunteer Coordinator at Missionfest Manitoba. The planning for the event for the coming year starts right after the event is finished and this year is sure to be an inspiration to Christians across Manitoba. 
