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Missionfest week 2022 (use this)

Missionfest Manitoba 2023 will feature keynote speakers in the main auditorium as well as breakout sessions. 

The event takes place from Friday, February 3, through Sunday, February 5, at Church of the Rock in Winnipeg (1397 Buffalo Place). Over 100 exhibitors will be on hand with booths showing the work that they do to make Jesus known right here in Manitoba and around the globe.


Volunteers are still needed to make the event successful. People who are able to give even a few hours this weekend can signup on the volunteer page of the MfM website.

Donate to MfM online: Missionfest says that, while they benefit from the good financial stewardship of the board and previous leadership, like all mission organizations, they rely on the generosity of like-minded people.

Missionfest needs partnerships in prayer and financial support from churches, businesses and individuals to be able to carry on with the work we have been called to do.


See interviews with some of the exhibitors and breakout session leaders below.

Paul Borthwick 

Paul Borthwick is with Development Associates International ministries. He is not only a Plenary Speaker during Missionfest but Borthwick will also be doing a breakout session. To hear about this and the ministry, check out the video below. 

Tom Castor

Tom Castor is the Executive Director at Missionfest Manitoba. Castor will also be part of a breakout session at Church of the Rock during the weekend event. He'll be done as the Executive Director as of March 1, passing the baton to Tim Nobel.

Shannon Silvestri

Shannon Silvestri is on the board at Missionfest Manitoba. Silvestri shares that this event isn't just for adults, but actually for the whole family. 

Ted Hull

Ted Hull is also on the board at Missionfest Manitoba. Hull is looking forward to seeing all the exhibitors.

Mark Wilcoxson

Mark Wilcoxson is the lead pastor at Bethesda Church in Winnipeg. The church is a sponsor of Missionfest and Mark shares how a few plenary speakers are people he's been following for almost 30 years.
