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Missionfest week 2022 (use this)

It is the last day of Missionfest Week on CHVN and tonight the event begins at Church of the Rock with exhibits open at 5:00 p.m. Come say hi to Sylvia St. Cyr at the CHVN booth. 

Missionfest Manitoba 2023 will run from today until Sunday, February 5 with the last speaker at 3:00 p.m. at 1397 Buffalo Place. Over 100 exhibitors will be on hand with booths showing the work that they do to make Jesus known right here in Manitoba and around the globe.


Volunteers are still needed to make the event successful. People who are able to give even a few hours this weekend can signup on the volunteer page of the MfM website.

Donate to MfM online: Missionfest says that, while they benefit from the good financial stewardship of the board and previous leadership, like all mission organizations, they rely on the generosity of like-minded people.

Missionfest needs partnerships in prayer and financial support from churches, businesses and individuals to be able to carry on with the work we have been called to do.


See interviews with some of the exhibitors and breakout session leaders below.

David Byle

David Byle is the Plenary Speaker on Friday, February 3 at Missionfest Manitoba. He is a missions team leader with Operation Mobilization and Byle has a very powerful testimony from his time in Turkey. To hear more, check out the video below. 

Tim Noble

Tim Noble is the new Executive Director of Missionfest Manitoba and he will be taking over as of March 1. Noble shares what this new position means to him in the video below. 

Alex Henderson

Alex Henderson is with a ministry called Tutapona. Henderson will be at their booth this weekend at Missionfest and will share more about Tutapona and how they provide mental health counselling for war refugees in the Middle East.

Conrad Dueck

Conrad Dueck is with Elmwood Mennonite Brethren Church. Dueck shares what he's most looking forward to this weekend at Missionfest. 

Steve Bock

Steve Bock from Grant Memorial Church shares how Missionfest Manitoba is doing the Lord's work and why the church supports the event. 

Millar College of the Bible

Peter Buhler and Jordan Watts work for Millar College of the Bible and their booth will be set up at Missionfest Manitoba this weekend. They currently have three campuses in Canada, including one in Winnipeg. 

Mayanna Carter

Mayanna Carter is the student recruit officer at Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta. She is coming to Missionfest Manitoba and it'll be her first time taking in the Christian conference. 
