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Don Cruickshank and family

After being highly involved politically for many years, long-time resident of Winkler, Don Cruickshank, announces his candidacy to seek the Conservative Party of Canada nomination in Portage-Lisgar.

"I want to thank the Honourable Candice Bergen for her many years of service excellence to not only Portage-Lisgar but also to this great country of Canada. Out of respect, I waited until the Honourable Candice formally vacated her seat before publicly announcing my candidacy. I have had the privilege to help campaign for the Honourable Candice Bergen and believe she deserves the respect due to her."

Don is a husband, a father, and a resident of Portage-Lisgar who says he wants to give back by serving the residents of Portage-Lisgar. Serving in Ottawa is not a new idea to Don Cruickshank, rather he notes it's been a dream, and a calling for a very long time! Cruickshank explains it's the reason behind each and every one of his political involvements.

"When we had our first child, my wife would read him books about Canada and on the page with an illustration of Parliament Hill, she would tell him, 'Someday your Dad wants to work there'."

In fact, four years ago, Don notes he had a meeting with Bergen to express his interest in running to serve the great people of Portage-Lisgar whenever she chose that her time and service were complete.

Having lived his whole life in Southern Manitoba, the last 18 years in Winkler, Cruickshank says he understands the rural lifestyle and the values held here. His family is deeply rooted here as his wife Crystal (Siemens) grew up on a multi-generation family farm by Plum Coulee. They have family and friends living in many of the communities within Portage-Lisgar.

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Political Studies from the University of Manitoba, and a Master's degree in Leadership & Management from Briercrest Seminary, Cruickshank explains he's always worked toward empowering others to take control of their own lives through common sense leadership. 

"It is time the common man and common woman get back control of their life. That is exactly what Pierre Poilievre's campaign is all about and I fully stand with Pierre to ensure that is the very outcome residents of Portage-Lisgar will receive."

In 2021, he was an elected delegate representing Portage-Lisgar for the Conservative Party of Canada's Policy & By-Law Convention. 

As a family man, Don says he wants to make life better for families in Portage-Lisgar by:

  • Protecting core family values
  • Trusting farmers are good stewards of the land as their livelihood depends on it
  • Caring for the environment, while eliminating the expensive and ineffective carbon tax that punishes farmers, truck drivers, and commuters...rather than polluters
  • Providing Portage-Lisgar with representation from a local resident
  • Making everyday life more affordable and home ownership a possibility for all that want to work to own a home
  • Getting the economy on track through good financial stewardship and investment in Canadian resources
  • Protecting freedom of speech
Author Alias