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(photo by Hayden Michaels)

The City of Swift Current will be looking at adding a new bylaw related to its Inner City Housing Initiative.

This new bylaw will allow the City to provide a tax exemption to homeowners within the inner city zone, under the Initiative. In order to apply and qualify, individuals must have updated or improved their homes.

Jackie Shlamp, the city clerk for the City of Swift Current, presented the matter to city council during Monday's meeting. 

"The policy is with respect to if a property owner wants to make an improvement within the inner city boundaries, that is specified within our zoning bylaw, they can bring in a new house or a used home and place it within that the lot."

A City Senior Building Official works with the homeowner, to make sure all requirements are met, and that they can proceed with procuring a permit. Owners can then apply for the tax exemption, once that work is completed.

In order for the work to be admissible, it must be done to the structure itself, not the land on which it rests. Things like irrigation renovations, or planting a new tree do not fall under the purview of the Inner City Housing Initiative. 

The Initiative hopes to prop up and encourage folks to maintain these older areas, allowing them to plan ahead with the tax exemption. 

"If anybody would like to inquire about it, by all means, stop by City Hall or contact our Senior Building Official," said Schlamp. "Or our assessment department and we can help with that."

The exemption will qualify from the date of occupancy on new owner-occupied homes, or three years on used owner-occupied homes within the inner city zone.

Before it can take effect, Swift Current city council will have to view this article a few more times during council. Should it receive a majority, it will then be passed into effect. 
