The Independent Investigation Unit (IIU) has finished its investigation into an alleged assault by an on-duty Manitoba First Nations Police Service (MFNPS) officer.
The incident occurred on August 16, of last year about a woman who was held in MFNPS cells and became aggressive. Force was used to secure her and she was cut on her head. She was then taken to Portage District General Hospital and was treated and then released back into custody.
The IIU civilian director determined it was in the public interest for the IIU to investigate and investigators were assigned. Information obtained and reviewed by IIU investigators included:
- 911 telephone call history and audio;
- audio of MFNPS radio transmissions;
- occurrence summary;
- MFNPS officers’ notes and narratives;
- use of force report;
- use of force policy;
- cell block surveillance video
The civilian director designated the involved officer as the subject officer and an MFNPS officer as a witness officer. IIU investigators met with and interviewed the affected person and a civilian witness.
The civilian director found no reasonable grounds to justify the laying of any charges against the accused officer.
Accordingly, the matter is now closed. The civilian director’s complete report is available online at
The details of the investigation were first announced on August 23, 2022.