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In 2024, Friesens Corporation will purchase a new upgraded Timson Press to replace one of its older units.

Friesens Corporation will be upgrading one of its aging Timson presses with a brand new model.

The two Timsons currently in use at the Altona-based printer are proven workhorses in the single-color product line, providing the company with high quality and reliability. 

However, much to the company's disappointment, Timsons ceased production in 2015. 

Now, Timsons Engineering and CPI Corporation have announced a partnership to start building the presses again.  
That announcement coincides with Friesens' plan to upgrade its operation.

The new unit will feature state-of-the-art upgrades, including an oil lubrication system that boosts production speed by sixteen percent.

The first new Timson press produced by the joint venture is expected to arrive at Friesens in 2024.

Author Alias