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I Love to Read Month with the grade two kids at Manitou Elementary!

I Love to Read Month is all about bringing smiles and the love of reading to kids around the world. This month we've been heading out to schools in the Pembina Valley to read to grade two students and on Tuesday, the 21st... Country 88 Morning Show host Daemon Parent made the drive to Manitou to read to the kids in Kaitlyn Rouire's grade two class. The kids interacted with the reading, had all sorts of fun questions, and each and every one of the kids received their very own copy of the book, A Strange Bird: It's good to be a bit different. Daemon also read his favourite book from when he was a kid, The Hockey Sweater! Then just before it was time to head home, Ben and Emily talked about their favourite books, and what they liked about A Strange Bird! Thanks to Friesens Corporation in Altona for the books and supporting everyone's love of reading!

Audio file
Ben talks about his favourite parts of A Strange Bird: It's good to be a bit different
Audio file
Emily talks about her favourite book!