Adult-themed text scams have been infecting the province lately, including the Estevan area.
The trend of the text messages seems to be a feminine name followed by a link.
Greg Jacobs, external communications manager for SaskTel, said that while the scam might look different than most, it has the same end goal of acquiring personal or financial information.
"The only real difference in this, is that they're using more adult tactics to try and entice their victims into fulfilling what they need them to do," he said. "Instead of trying to position this as a $50 refund from this provider or that provider. Our advice in this case is the exact same as any text message scam.
"First off, do not click that link. And do not respond to the message at all. Sometimes it can be very gratifying to tell these individuals to buzz off--don't even do that. What you would be doing in that case would be confirming for them that they've got a live number and they might try to get you with a different scam down the line. So, ignore it and just delete the message and move on."