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(photo submitted by Hari Ramesh) Single vehicle rollover on Tuesday, March 14th
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(photo submitted by Hari Ramesh) Single vehicle rollover on Tuesday, March 14th

Morden Fire and Rescue (MFR) responded to a call for help yesterday on highway three east of Morden. 

MFR Deputy Fire Chief Tim Reimer explained what happened.

"Yesterday afternoon we had a single vehicle rollover on Hwy. #3, approximately 2 miles east of Morden. The cause of the accident would, of course, be the weather conditions. The weather conditions are changing so rapidly every day with the milder weather, and snow sticking to the roads, and changing to very icy roads."

Reimer had a couple reminders for drivers at this time of year.

"When driving past emergency scenes, whether the fire trucks, ambulances, or police vehicles, reminder to slow down, drive with extreme caution. The weather conditions, they're constantly changing now in the springtime, what roads may have been fine in the morning, by later in the afternoon, they can be quite icy and quite treacherous for driving. Extreme caution is recommended at this time of the year for driving. "

All four occupants of the vehicle were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
