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McIntosh Ventures accepting their 2020 Large Grower Award.

Although being a distant memory at this point, the 2019,2020 and 2021 growing seasons were honoured on Thursday evening at the William Glesby Centre.

Everyone in attendance was applauded for their hard word, but only a select few could take home hardware.


Direct grower - Corduroy 

Small Grower - Border Farms 

Large Grower - McIntosh Ventures 

Triple Crown - JP Wiebe LTD  


Direct grower- Kehler Farms 

Small Grower - Cypress River Colony 

Large Grower - McIntosh Ventures 

Triple Crown -Corduroy Plains 


Direct Grower - Aspenheim Colony 

Small Grower - Pine Creek Colony 

Large Grower - Riverbend Holding Colony 

Triple Crown - Robertson Farms 

It was the first Potato Grower Awards Banquet held since 2018, and Cora Buechler from Simplot Canada told PortageOnline that they were thrilled with the turnout of producers.  

"We haven't been able to have this since 2018. We're very happy to be able to appreciate our growers and do this for them." 

Buechler adds that she hopes that producers walk away from banquet knowing how much Simplot cares.  

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Cora Buechler announcing the award winners.

"We do appreciate them very much, and I'm glad we can give back to them," Buechler continues. "I hope everybody enjoyed themselves and had a really good time." 

Derek McIntosh, Manager of MacIntosh Ventures, took home the "Large Grower Award" not only for 2019 but 2020 as well, which he says is an honour. 

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Derek McIntosh says he is proud of all the producers from the Carman area who showed up to the banquet

"It's great to get back with the grower group. It's a pretty tight-knit group. There are only 60 potato growers in the whole province, so we all know each other well," he says with a smile. "it's great for Simplot to recognize everyone that works hard for them." 

McIntosh notes he is hopeful for a great growing season coming up. 

Author Alias