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Police & Fire Report

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 March 27 – 2023 March 28

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 45

0727 hours- Parking Bylaw- Owner is going to get friends to help move the vehicle

0825 hours- Parking Bylaw- Spoke to owner and they will move the vehicle.

0940 hours-Shoplifting- Someone stole a tablet from a business. Still under investigation to review video.

1135 hours- Theft Under- An individual walked out of store without paying. Employer will speak with the suspect.

1148 hours- Threats- Subject to be charged with assault and uttering threats. Will be released when sober

1311 hours- Lost property reported- Complainant lost wallet with id and credit cards. Reported for information purposes

1347 hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Complainant has photos of a suspicious vehicle scoping out yards.

1403 hours- Found Drugs- Items to be disposed of.

1422 hours- Shoplifting- Still under investigation to obtain video of theft.

1424 hours- Assistance to Sick Person- Spoke with individual and there are no safety concerns

1738 hours- Found Property- Axe and purse put in lost and found

1752 hours- Assistance to Sick Person- Spoke to family member and individual was taken to the hospital

1803 hours- Dispute- The complainant was given advice on how to mediate the situation

1814 hours- Theft Under- Two individuals stole clothing from a store. Still under investigation for video

1818 hours- Parking Bylaw- Owner will move vehicle once the ice melts

1857 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject brought to cells and held until sober

2010 hours- Assistance to Sick Person- Spoke with family member and they made contact with the individual. No safety concerns

2113 hours- Assist Locate- Individual staying with a friend and is safe

2205 hours- Assistance to Sick Person- Spoke to the subject and they will be safe for the night.

2238 hours- Dispute- Between two individuals over money. Situation mediated.

0233 hours- Insecurity- Door open on a business. Everything was secure.

0459 hours- Trespass- Subject to be charged with trespass to business

Alarms- 1

Assist Other Agency – 6

Curfew Check-1

911 Calls -7
