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Arielle Jodine, local Christian artist and worship leader.
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(Arielle Jodine/Facebook)

Arielle Jodine is sharing her newest single all about this past year being a bit of a detour, but also part of God's plan.

'Author & Finisher' is available on all platforms on March 19, 2021. 

Jodine shares how the song came to her and the inspiration behind it.

"It was about a month into that first quarantine round, probably April of last year, and I'm sitting with the Lord, journalling and I felt like life was on pause," she says. 

Jodine was in a time of searching the Lord for the next move. As a worship leader at Sanctuary House of Prayer, her job was preparing to lead people in worship in person each Sunday and then everything changed to online. 

"I was feeling a little left out and I felt like the Lord's response was, 'I'm the author of your story. I'm writing it I haven't forgotten about you, this is part of it.'"

Jodine admits that this is most likely how many people have felt throughout this time when everything changed, allowing high reliability for listeners. 

"I started just declaring the truths of who I am and who He is. I found it a great, centring song in this last year."

November 2019 was the last time Jodine put out a collection of music with her EP, Wherever He Goes.

"As you know it's been a crazy year. I've found lots of time to song write and do a lot of that stuff on my own. Not so much of the performing," says Jodine.

This past Sunday, when the province opened up restrictions for churches, Jodine was able to lead worship with a limited congregation for the first time in a very long time. 

"It was so good. Everyone was just ready to worship together. Such a good sweet time of community."
