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Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen has ordered an external organizational review of Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI). 

The Steinbach MLA says the review comes following concerns raised by the Public Utilities Board (PUB) in recent rate applications as well as concerns he has raised both publicly and privately to MPI. 

The review is to be completed by December 31st. While it is ongoing, MPI will continue to engage with the PUB to address issues previously identified by the board. Goertzen says until the review is complete, MPI is directed to not propose any changes to rates for service or materially change its operations.

Goertzen says the Manitoba government is reluctant to interfere in the general operations of crown corporations. However, he says a publicly held corporation is answerable to Manitobans for its service, expenditures and operations. This accountability is delivered through the PUB, but also by the minister responsible for the corporation.

Goertzen says he looks forward to the findings of the organizational review and believes that it will improve MPI and help ensure its future as a publicly owned insurer, delivering quality service at an affordable price.

MPI is owned by Manitobans with a mandate to provide quality customer service related to insurance and licensing of drivers at an affordable price.

Goertzen says as has been a long-standing Manitoba government practice, MPI will have a member of the governing caucus appointed to its board of directors. Springfield-Ritchot MLA Ron Schuler has agreed to take on this appointment.

Author Alias