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A shooting took place near Westbourne that involved an RCMP officer. An investigation was later conducted by the Independent Investigation Unit (IIU).

The incident took place on December 15, 2021, at 8:51 a.m. 

Police responded to a call for service regarding a person who was stabbed. Officers conducted patrols in the area and encountered the male suspect. A confrontation resulted in the man being shot. He was pronounced deceased a short time later.

Due to the death of the person that may have resulted from the actions of a police officer(s), the IIU assumed responsibility for the mandatory investigation in accordance with section 65(4) of the Police Services Act (PSA), and investigators were assigned.

Further, as this matter involved the death of a person, the IIU also requested a civilian monitor be appointed by the Manitoba Police Commission in accordance with section 70(1) of the PSA.

RCMP file information and other material obtained by IIU investigators included:

  • RCMP occurrence summary;
  • RCMP members' notes and narratives;
  • RCMP members' supplementary reports;
  • audio of 911 telephone call to RCMP;
  • audio recordings of RCMP radio communications;
  • Forensic Identification Service reports;
  • photographs of the scene, individuals and exhibits;
  • video recording of the shooting scene;
  • pathology and toxicology reports concerning the affected person;
  • firearm report concerning subject officer’s service firearm;
  • firearm training summary and qualification test results of the subject officer; and
  • expert opinion report on the use of lethal force.

IIU reports that the RCMP officer who discharged his firearm was designated as the subject officer and nine officers were designated as witness officers. IIU investigators also met with and interviewed (or reviewed interviews) six civilian witnesses, although none witnessed the shooting.

The civilian director found no reasonable grounds to support any charges against the subject officer. The matter is now closed.

You can find the civilian director’s complete report online at www.iiumanitoba.ca.

The details of the investigation were first announced on December 16, 2021.

Author Alias