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Bernier is calling for debate on abortions in Canada.

The People's Party of Canada (PPC) candidate for Portage-Lisgar is calling for debate on abortions Canada.

At a news conference in Winkler on Wednesday, Maxime Bernier said, if elected, he would table a private member's bill, the Protection of Preborn Children Act, at the first available opportunity in the House of Commons to amend Section 287 of the Criminal Code.

"The bill would limit the legal availability of abortion to 24 weeks maximum, and outlaw late-term abortions unless the mother's life or health are at risk, there has been rape or abuse, or if the baby has a lethal abnormality or no brain function," explained Bernier.

The bill was written by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and another PPC candidate, Paul Mitchell, and was part of their election campaign in 2019.

Bernier said he is aware not everyone will be satisfied with the terms outlined in the bill.

"Many people would prefer stronger restrictions, and I agree that we should debate them, too. But we need to start somewhere, and from a position that is so strong our opponents won't be able to reject it or attack it without looking like depraved individuals with no moral conscience," he explained.

Bernier, who is also the leader of the PPC, stated his party welcomes debate on abortion.

Author Alias