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After noticing a concerning trend, Manitoba RCMP are sending citizens a strong road safety message.

According to the RCMP, 31 Manitobans have lost their lives in motor vehicle collisions this year, five more than last year and well above the current five-year average of 23.

"For many Manitobans, driving is a routine part of their lives, but it is also potentially one of the most dangerous activities they do every day. This is why we must all do our part to keep our roads safe," says an RCMP press release. "Whether you drive a car, motorcycle, bicycle or are a pedestrian, it is important that you focus on the road, pay attention and be aware of changes in your surroundings at all times."

The RCMP says that with warmer temperatures, traffic has increased on highways. With that in mind, they are asking drivers to: drive sober, wear a seatbelt, slow down and drive to conditions, be cautious and always aware of your surroundings, pay attention to the road at all times, keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you, and put your cell phone away.

Author Alias