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Spitzee school was vandalized with pro-NDP and anti-UCP messaging.

Children and teachers at Spitzee Elementary School in High River were greeted Monday morning with vulgar spray paint condemning the UCP and praising the NDP.

The children attending school this morning and parents dropping them off were shocked, surprised and saddened by what happened to their school. 

While elementary school students may not understand what the election is all about, they do know what vandalism is. One young child was in tears he was so upset and volunteered to help clean it up. The Foothills School Division has been contacted and work on cleaning up the graffiti will happen soon.

UCP election signs were also defaced overnight along with a vulgarity spray-painted on a town street and a homeowner's driveway.

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This was spray-painted on a street in front of a home that had further damage done to its driveway.
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This symbol was spray-painted on a resident's driveway.

Signs around town were also pulled up and damaged.

The latest signs defaced were of UCP candidate Chelsae Petrovic and it happened on the eve of the provincial election.

Earlier this month some signs for the NDP candidate Kevin Van Tighem were also spraypainted.

The High River RCMP have been called and an investigation is underway with officers canvassing the neighbourhood.

If you have any footage or any other information that could assist you are asked to call the High River RCMP detachment at 403-652-2357.


*Please note - we have blurred out vulgar images and words.