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A lineup of vehicles behind farm equipment being moved from field to field. (Photo by Marna McManus)

Farmers continue to make progress with seeding the 2023 crop but are still slightly behind their five-year average.  

In the most recent crop report, released by the provincial Ministry of Agriculture, farmers in the southeast indicated they had 94 per cent of the crop in the ground. This was up from 80 per cent the previous week, and just behind the five-year average of 97 per cent.  

The recent rains have been a blessing and a curse in some areas. Localized heavy rains did result in some low-lying areas being drowned out, preventing seeding in those areas. The warm weather and moisture, though, have helped the progress of the crop in the ground in other areas, with many reports that the crops are looking good.  

Rain was a very common theme throughout the region, with the Narquis area receiving the most – 62 millimetres. The Avonlea area received 40 mm, Grenfell 24 mm, and Frobisher 20 mm. 

In terms of topsoil moisture, cropland is rated as seven percent surplus, 89 per cent adequate, and four percent short. Hay and pasture land are reported as two per cent surplus, 89 per cent adequate, and nine per cent short.  

The crop progress has also been reported as fairly good, with 10 per cent of the fall cereal crops in the jointing stage, and another 26 per cent in the shot blade stage. Twenty-seven per cent of the spring cereals are tillering, with 46 per cent of canola and mustard emerging. Another 32 per cent of the canola and mustard crop is in the seedling stage, as is 39 per cent of flax. For the pulse crops, 59 per cent are emerging and 43 per cent are in the vegetative stage.  

There was some crop damage reported during the week. Most of the damage reported was the localized flooding in some areas due to the heavy rains. There was also some crop damage reported due to grasshoppers.  

Author Alias