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The Portage RCMP detachment got a new piece of hardware to display.

The Portage RCMP detachment got a new piece of hardware to display. 

On May 19th, in front of many Portage Legions Branch 65 members, RCMP Central Plains Inspector Paul Peddle was handed a plaque on behalf of the Legion, honouring the RCMP's 150th anniversary.

"It was quite the pleasant surprise and something we're very thankful for," says Peddle.

The inspector notes that the Legion's recognition isn't surprising as they have supported the RCMP for countless years.

"A big thank you to them for taking the time to do this plaque and to recognize us for our work in the community. I know they do tremendous work here as well, and it's just a great partnership we have."

Peddle says he brought the plaque back to the office to show the other officers. The entire detachment expresses their gratitude to the Legion.

"The plaque is hung proudly in our office right now, and it'll be there for many years to come," notes Peddle.

Author Alias