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Tessier-Burch in Golden West Studios in Portage la Prairie earlier in the campaign

As part of our coverage leading up to the Portage-Lisgar by-election June 19th, we have provided an opportunity to each of the five candidates on the ballot to answer five questions related to issues impacting residents across the riding. Over the course of this week, we will be publishing the answers provided by the candidates, as sent to us.

Below are the answers from the NDP's candidate Lisa Tessier-Burch.

1. If you were to win the election, what would you do to ensure the development of sustainable, additional, water supply and treatment for the region in order to allow for further growth, both from a business/industrial and population perspective?

Currently, the City of Portage la Prairie’s Water Pollution Control Facility is set to undergo a massive overhaul, making it a more environmentally responsible facility that reduces output of nutrients that cause harmful algae blooms on Lake Winnipeg. This project sets our community apart from others as we have the chance to be leaders in progressive environmental stewardship. This new project demonstrates our City’s commitment to reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions and upgrading the Water Pollution Control Facility -- all while creating employment opportunities. The City of Portage la Prairie and its citizens, including myself, are committed to investing in infrastructure that will bring employment and better quality of life. As your MP, I will be your voice in Ottawa, pressing the federal government to fund projects in Portage and throughout Portage-Lisgar that will bring both environmental improvements and new employment opportunities. Portage la Prairie will be a leader in sustainable community development.

2. What would you do to address the current skilled and unskilled labour shortage across the region, which seems most pronounced in the manufacturing, agricultural and health care sectors?

The growth of low-paid, insecure work is the direct result of Liberal and Conservative governments that want Canadians to believe that employment insecurity is simply something we must accept and endure. This should never be the case for workers, no matter their field of expertise or skill. As your MP for the Portage-Lisgar region, I will work tirelessly to bring investments into our communities that create sustainable jobs that pay a living wage. The NDP believes that helping Canadian workers create necessary products here at home boosts our manufacturing sector. Ensuring long term, secure jobs in renewable energy, infrastructure, transit, childcare and more ignites every part of our riding’s economy. Making a commitment to those who work in healthcare is another investment in our communities. As your MP, and together with the NDP caucus in Ottawa, we will create good quality, dignified jobs for those who provide essential care to our loved ones.


3. Agriculture is a significant part of the riding’s economy. If you were to win the election, how do you propose to address concerns/impacts related to the Carbon Tax and the proposed fertilizer emissions reduction target of 30% by 2030?

Climate change affects farmers more than any other sector. However, the way our farmers currently produce food is also a source of Greenhouse Gas emissions. I believe farmers want to

be part of the solution as they adapt to the changing global climate and evolving emission standards. Farmers should never be punished for providing the people of Portage-Lisgar, Manitoba and Canada with a vital service. As an advocate for the sustainability of our farms and agribusiness, I will make sure that farmers, agrologists and agribusiness people are part of the decision-making process. It is vital for any representative of the Portage-Lisgar riding to advocate for the future of our agriculture sector. The NDP has long been a strong partner with farmers, and not with the big corporations that are so popular with Liberal and Conservative leadership. As your MP, I will stand up and call for government-funding to find solutions that work for our farmers right now while protecting the future agricultural interests of our riding.

4. Affordable housing is a topic that is front and center around the country and in Portage-Lisgar. Many are saying they cannot find a reasonable place to live. How would you address this issue when in Ottawa?

Through decades of Liberal and Conservative leadership, things just keep getting harder and harder for average, hardworking people. Mortgages and rents are skyrocketing. Liberal and Conservative governments have stacked the deck in favor of billionaire CEOs, corporate landlords, bankers, grocery giants, and big oil. People in Portage-Lisgar work hard, play by the rules and do everything right. Yet still they struggle to make ends meet. Your hard work and dedication to your families, communities and jobs should mean something. As your MP, I will demand action from government to deal with the affordable housing crisis. With my NDP colleagues, we will demand that action be taken to ensure pay cheques keep up with the cost of living. Everyone in Portage-Lisgar should be able to find a home that fits their family and their budget. As your voice in Ottawa, you will be heard.

5. Crime is considered a major issue in the Portage area. How does your party plan to address this growing concern that nothing is being done about?

Knowing your family, your home, streets, neighbors, businesses and community are safe should be a given. The NDP knows that building safe communities is not just the absence of crime — It’s about making sure everyone matters, that the root causes of crime are addressed. Last year the city of Portage la Prairie started working collaboratively with the province, the justice department, Crown prosecutors and the RCMP to create a committee dedicated to tackling issues of crime in our city. As the MP for Portage-Lisgar, I will ensure that programs such as these receive continued federal support and funding to address crime in our city. I will champion endeavors that target social inclusion, like public health, hunger, housing security, access to education, and increasing youth engagement. I believe Portage-Lisgar should aim to be a leader in crime reduction for the long term.

Author Alias