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Hunter Brothers
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The Hunter Brothers have won Group of the Year five times but not this year (Photo by Mitch Nevins)

The Hunter Brothers cleaned up at the Saskatchewan Country Music Awards (SCMA) in Assiniboia last weekend.

They won four awards as a group; the Fans' Choice Entertainer of the Year, the National/International Artist of the Year, the Interactive Artists of the Year, and the Achievement Award.

"It's one of those things that means a tremendous amount just because it is our home turf here in Saskatchewan," Ty Hunter said. "I think being there on the weekend, it was a recognition of how grateful we're for our community, locally and provincially." 

The group of five hailing from Shaunavon has now won 21 SCMAs since 2017. This was the third time they've won the Fans' Choice and Interactive Artist awards.

"We love to interact on social media with our fans," he said. "Especially in the last few years that's the way that we've been able to touch base with everybody. Both in sentimental ways and in ways that are quirky and fun.

"A huge thank you to everyone who voted in the Fans' Choice Entertainer of the Year... We really appreciate everybody's contribution up to this point and moving forward because it's what allows us to fulfill our childhood dreams that we had."   

Two awards the Hunter Brothers have never captured provincially before were the National/International Artist of the Year and the Achievement Award.

Individually, Luke Hunter won his fourth Bass Player of the Year honours (2019, 2020, and 2021). The award was a first for Luke since he suffered a severe injury in the spring of 2021.

"Watching him go through the pain of the accident and the recovery but also the victory of being able to play again," Ty, who accepted the award on behalf of his brother said. 

According to Ty, his brother's mobility is still improving and is around 85 per cent currently. 

This year's SCMA was the 34th annual and was put on by the Saskatchewan Country Music Association. 

Author Alias