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Premier Heather Stefanson making announcement

Premier Heather Stefanson was in Portage la Prairie Tuesday to announce plans moving forward to bring a first in Canadian industry to our area, and boost our local economy as well as help decrease greenhouse emissions.

She explains Manitoba is rich in natural resources with a unique geographical advantage. Stefanson adds it's part of the province's efforts to demonstrate its clean green energy that's helping lead Manitoba in environmentally sustainable initiatives. It's touted as providing a direct link between agriculture and sustainable energy that paves the way for the economy of tomorrow. Canola and soybean oils will be sourced directly from local farming communities, and Manitoba's agricultural sector will provide a complete farm-to-wing decarbonization solution for aviation.

The Azure project will create over 150 direct jobs and support 1500 jobs in the construction phase with cross-government funding.

"This furthers our PC team's commitment to seize the opportunities ahead and create more high quality, high paying jobs for Manitobans," says Stefanson. "Construction of the facility is projected to have an impact on Manitoba's economy of $2 billion, which will benefit, of course, all Manitoba and, particularly, those in this community. Manitoba is well positioned for companies like Azure to power the world's drive to lower carbon emissions and to create net zero energy markets."

She adds supporting manufacturers like Azure will help Manitoba attract future business development projects and jobs that come with them. 

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Manitoba Ag minister, Derek Johnson.

Minister of Agriculture Derek Johnson says by adding values to the crops and livestock produced in Manitoba Farms, we strengthen our economy and increase the vibrancy of our communities. Farmers benefit from new market opportunities and, as a result, they lower their own supply chain risk. 

"Communities benefit through good job, new residents, new revenue, and new optimism so that we can do these great things together," continues Johnson. "New processing development also creates momentum for further economic development. When you take a drive through the region, it's easy to see that Portage la Prairie is seen as a significant investment for processing housing business development, and this has all happened since 2017. This is not only noticed in Canada, but on an international level. This momentum will no doubt lead to additional operational opportunities for Portage and the businesses that surround it."

He notes it's yet another example of the results the province is achieving through its Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership with the federal government. 

"This partnership will see $220 million invested in Manitoba's agriculture industry over the next five years. Azure's commitment to this sustainable field project in Manitoba is heartening to me, as the Minister of Agriculture. This project further demonstrates the importance of agriculture to not only supply food, but also play an important role in our low-carbon future. Agriculture clearly is a solution."

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Azure CEO Douglas Cole

Azure CEO Douglas Cole says the team was honoured to receive funding from the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, noting support from the federal and provincial governments validates their position to create a 'Made In Canada' solution to reduce carbon emissions globally.

"This support not only accelerates economic growth within the province but also successfully integrates Canadian agriculture and energy markets to provide a sustainable decarbonizing solution. Portage la Prairie's strategic location offers us several advantages for establishment of a sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, facility. Manitoba has a rich agriculture sector and provides abundant biomass resources such as canola oil and soybean oil, which will be utilized to produce SAF through proven commercial technologies."

Cole notes the project helps secure the markets for one of Manitoba's key products, that being canola, and helps keep, most importantly, the value added in the processing here in Manitoba.

"Azure's been working closely with Manitoba Economic Development Board Secretariat, Portage Regional Economic Development, the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie, and the City of Portage la Prairie since early 2022," notes Cole. "I'd like to acknowledge the forward-thinking leadership of these representatives in recognizing the importance of sustainable solutions and in the aviation sector, and establishing Manitoba as a leader in the energy transition. Azure has also been engaging with Indigenous groups in the region since early 2022, and I'd like to acknowledge their support that we've received from the regional groups regarding our intent here, as well."

Cole adds this can lead to Manitoba being the cleanest and greenest, most climate-resilient province in Canada.

The facility is anticipated to cost $1.9 billion to produce an estimated one billion litres of SAF per year, primarily using the Canadian feedstock products of canola and soybean oil. 

It will be constructed adjacent to the Poplar Bluff Industrial Park just west of Portage.

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Author Alias