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The towns of Crossfield and Carstairs are gauging whether there is public appetite for a bus route that would service both towns and drive to Calgary. (File Photo)

The towns of Crossfield and Carstairs are wanting to gauge residents' interest in whether a transit bus with pickup sites in both towns going to Calgary would be appealing.

According to the survey, the service would need to be run by a non-profit organization, as Town Administration would not be able to run this service for residents. The initial plan is that the bus would operate from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays), as well as picking individuals up in Calgary in the afternoon and early in the evening, though exact times were not specified.

An online survey is open to residents till August 18. 

"Residents would need to purchase a monthly pass to use the transit service. Town of Crossfield Administration has reached out to bus companies for quotes and information on running this program," the survey stated.

The 10-question survey covers topics such as how much residents would be willing to pay for a monthly fee; ranging from $500 to $700, as well as leaving options for other fee brackets, as well as the time slots for which residents would prefer to be picked in the respective towns as well as what time they would like to be picked up from Calgary. Residents were also asked for their input on what area of  Downtown Calgary they would like to be dropped off and picked up at. 

The Town of Crossfield and The Town of Carstairs were not immediately available for comment at the time of publication. 

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