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Stephanie Israelson.
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Stephanie Israelson, a Canadian Christian singer, has a story in Derek Bradley's newest book. (Supplied)

A Winnipeg Christian author just released his second book, this time hoping to start a movement of gratitude.

Derek Bradley recently published his second book called 365 1/4 A Thankfulness Project

"A tough life circumstance came my way and I was trying to find my way through. Speaking materialistically, I have what a lot of other people have, a family, but the joy just wasn't coming back," he says. 

Bradley went to the mall for some retail therapy. 

"While I was there I encountered a homeless woman. We chatted for a little bit before she got up and walked back outside. It happened to be winter and she said to me, 'I'm thankful that I got to warm up.' I thought to myself, wow."

At that moment, the idea of being thankful for what you have was impressed upon Bradley, to the point he decided to write a book about it. 

"It's written from my perspective and vantage point. There are 25 stories in the book."

One of those stories is from the Canadian Christian artist, Stephanie Israelson. 

"I'm friends with her. Everybody thinks that all Christians have it all pulled together, but it was a blessing to do her story because it's a perfect example of someone who loves God, serves God, and also has challenges."

Another story is from a woman who was battling cancer. 

"I received a card in the mail from one of the ladies who was going through chemo at the time. The letter said, 'I don't know why I was making these cards at the time, something to pass the time, but I now see the purpose of them.' Let's start by telling others who we're thankful for and why."

Bradley has a website that he encourages people to take part in this Thankfulness Project, to enjoy the book and then pass on a handwritten card to someone saying why they're thankful for them.

"God wants me to get the movement out and I'm just a conduit. I believe that He put this on my heart."
