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In April, Morden Collegiate Institute valedictorian Bijan Salimi received the Basketball Manitoba Ron Myers Leadership Award.

Today, teachers, family members, and friends will watch 125 students leave behind the halls of Morden Collegiate Institute (MCI) and graduate into the world of post-secondary education, trade school, and the workforce. 

As class valedictorian, Student Body president Bijan Salimi says there's a long list of people who helped the Class of 2023 reach this milestone.

"Definitely my teachers. There are far too many to list off, but all of them have played an essential role in providing us guidance and support so that we can graduate. But, you know, close friends, even my family members, especially my parents, who I'm extremely grateful for, have been quintessential in helping me graduate. But overall I would say, you know, it takes a village and I believe everyone had a role, one way or another, in helping us succeed."

The final year of high school was an active one for Salimi. Not only did he take on the role of President of the MCI student body, but he also signed on as co-chair of the province's Student Advisory Council and the province's Climate Advisory Council. Plus he was a Youth Council Member for the city of Morden. 

In addressing his classmates today, Saliimi will touch on different aspects of his classmate's entire schooling career, not just high school, with the main theme of embracing.

"Embracing change, embracing failure. Whether we wanted to or not, we had to embrace change, whether it be through the pandemic or making that switch from middle school to high school. I mean, the only reason they'll be standing on that stage graduating is because they had that perseverance to embrace change."

Salimi's advice for his peers?

"Do not shy away from exploring new opportunities. You never know in the future in the quote-unquote, real world, what might lead you upon discovering your dream career or your dream passion. So never be shy to pursue new opportunities."

With files from Robyn Wiebe

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