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Currently, the federal government's carbon tax costs 14 cents per litre of gas in Saskatchewan and 17 cents for diesel. (file photo)

Gas prices in Estevan could be on the rise later this week but that's not because of the new federal clean fuel regulations that came into effect on Canada Day.

The jump at the pumps could be around three to seven cents per litre and is tied to a recent rise in oil prices.

"But with oil prices being so volatile and the fact that Brent Crude Oil is only up half a per cent and at the same time that West Texas Intermediate is up three per cent, there are some discrepancies that could mitigate or soften a potential impact," said GasBuddy's Head of Petroleum Patrick De Haan.

The clean fuel rules take aim at refineries over time to reduce carbon emissions in their products. As the policy becomes stricter, it's then anticipated that those costs will then be passed onto the consumers.

"These rules will generally restrict and require more clean-burning diesel and gasoline," he said. "Overall, I would say that the impact is not born immediately at the start of these regulations but it probably will over time." 

Fuel experts believe the first effect of the rules might be seen in 2025 and by 2030 project it to push prices up by anywhere from 5-17 cents per litre.

"It's going to ramp up over time as we get closer to the 2030 levels," he said.

Author Alias