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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 July 6 – 2023 July 7

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 53

0756 hrs – Wellbeing check.  Advise given.

1046 hrs – Wellbeing check.  Subject was located and everything is good.

1225 hrs – Dispute.  Property dispute mediated.

1234 hrs – Theft from motor vehicle.  Property stolen, still under investigation to review video.

1354 hrs – Mischief to vehicle.  Vehicle keyed by unknown person.

1359 hrs – Theft from business.  Subject identified and charges are pending.

1416 hrs – Two vehicle accident.  One minor injury and one ticket issued.

1439 hrs – Wellbeing check.  Parties spoken to.

1559 hrs – Assist to locate.  Subject was located and taken home.

1627 hrs – Intoxicated person.  Subject taken to hospital and left in their care.

1704 hrs – Dispute.  Subject warned regarding unwanted communication.

1750 hrs – Erratic driving.  Driver was spoken and warned regarding driving actions.

1809 hrs – Theft.  Bike frame stolen from property.

1852 hrs – Dispute.  Advice provided.

1932 hrs – Dispute.  Parties spoken to.

2247 hrs – Wellbeing check.  Subject was fine and sent on their way.

2301 hrs – Fraud.  Subject advised to stop communication and to block suspect.

2335 hrs – Fraud.  Subject advised to stop communication and to block suspect.

0047 hrs – Breach of release.  Still under investigation for charges.

0134 hrs – Unwanted guest.  Subject was escorted off property.

911 calls – 5

Assist Other Agency – 5

Warrant Executed – 1
