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Gone fishing. (photo by Hayden Michaels)

The limits are still very much intact this weekend, even if licenses won't be required. 

Free Fishing Weekend is on this weekend in Saskatchewan, but there is still a whole host of rules and regulations that people need to be aware of. 

Reeling in expectations and sharing some advice for the provincial angling promotion is Murrary Koob, a sports fish specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment. 

"We have what's called a general limit on most provincial crown waters in Saskatchewan," said Koob. "You can find those in the anglers guide, or online at saskatchewan.ca/fishing on page 6."

The limits can vary between water bodies, with the best way to check being that online list. If folks are unable to find the information online, they are encouraged to reach out to the lake in question or to call the ministry.

Another thing to be aware of is special situations, where, depending on fishery assessments, the limit may be increased further. Those will be found on pages 11 through 28 angling guide. 

"If you're fishing one of those waters shown in those special regulations, you have to abide by those further restrictive limits on those waters," clarrified Koob. 

This weekend, the only exception being made is that of the angling license. Every other rule and regulation will still apply. Bait rules, equipment regulations, size limits, catch limits, and location regulations will all be unchanged. 

This weekend serves as an opportunity for inexperienced and curious would-be anglers to try out the activity. These individuals may not be well-versed in the rules, but ignorance is not an excuse. Anyone thinking of venturing out to the water this weekend is strongly encouraged to read up and learn before possibly landing in hot water. 
