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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 July 10 – 2023 July 11

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 51

0701 hours – Dispute – Still under investigation to speak with complainant.

0800 hours – Theft Under – Occurred in the 400 block of Ahthabasca St E, advice provided.

0907 hours – Theft Under – Occurred in the 800 block of 4th Ave NW, approximately $2000 in tools stolen, still under investigation to obtain serial numbers.

0916 hours – Found Property – Found in the 300 block of Hochalega St W, bag to be exhibited as found property.

1013 hours – Driving Dangerous – Spoke with the owner of the vehicle and warned them for their actions.

1048 hours – Dispute – Spoke with both parties involved, it was a civil dispute, gave advice and situation was mediated.

1109 hours – Trespass – Subject was issued a ticket for trespassing and left when asked by officers.

1112 hours – Mischief – Occurred sometime in the last three days, reported for information.

1257 hours – Abandoned Child – Subject was returned home, social services to follow up with parents at a later date.

1318 hours – Dangerous Dog – Spoke with the owner of the dog and they will pay for the vet bill.

1418 hours – Shoplifting – Occurred in the 0 block of Thatcher Dr E, approximately $150 worth of food stolen.

1455 hours – Suspicious Person – Spoke with the subject and told them not to talk to people who don’t want to talk.

1525 hours – Theft Under – Advised complainant that this was a civil issue, advice provided.

1529 hours – Dispute – Subject was gone upon police arrival.

1619 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Advice was provided to the complainant.

1732 hours – Theft Under – Occurred in the 1100 block of Athabasca St E, no sucpects, no cameras, file number was provided.

1831 hours – Bike Theft – Spoke with the complainant, the bike was found and returned.

1851 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Complainant was hacked on Facebook, advice was provided.

1853 hours – Dispute – Spoke with bystanders, verbal argument between two parties, both gone prior to police arrival.

2020 hours – Disturbance – Spoke with owner of vehicle who was trying to move it as it was broke down.

2111 hours – Driving Dangerous – Complainant stated that there were individuals racing there vehicles, checked the area and so sign or sounds of any racing.

2226 hours – Dispute – Spoke with all parties involved, forwarded to PACT to follow up.

0057 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Area searched, vehicle gone prior to police arrival.

911 calls: 3

Assist Other Agency: 5
