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Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation (BTHCF) Chair, Ben Friesen and BTHCF Executive Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett at the Foundation's annual general meeting on Monday evening.
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Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation (BTHCF) Chair, Ben Friesen and BTHCF Executive Director Shannon Samatte-Folkett at the Foundation's annual general meeting on Monday evening.

2022  was an excellent year all around for the Boundary Trails Health Centre Foundation (BTHCF).
Not only did the year see the Foundation nearly crack the $8-million mark towards its goal of raising $10 - million, but Board Chair Ben Friesen also says much more made the year positive.

"The whole year of (20)22, we got back into the original programs and we were able to get people into meetings. We did the virtual meetings and they were all good, but anytime you can sit person-to-person, face-to-face,  you just get better results I think out of the whole thing," said Friesen. "And I think the whole atmosphere of the whole hospital has been really improving the last year, and I think the morale is good." 

Friesen says people all over Manitoba have nothing but good to say about coming to Boundary Trails to get services, whatever they happen to be. "It's been a really good year. A very exciting year," Friesen added.

The Palliative Care/Cancer Care and Spiritual Care programs are still the core being of the Foundation, along with purchasing additional equipment needed for the hospital.

"The stuff that they can't get right now from Southern Health, they come to us, and we can't do everything, but we definitely provide the extra equipment needs. So that's still the core and that's going to continue."

In 2022, over $235,000 was raised through the Foundation for the programs. $112,650 was allocated toward equipment purchases.

As the hospital expansion progresses Friesen says the board knows there will be a lot more need for equipment, although he expects this year will be a bit slower for requests. 

"They're waiting to see, how are they going to renovate, and where are we going to need the equipment, but we know that the equipment needs will continue and they'll be very great going into the expansion."

Friesen says planning is well underway on the Level 2 Nursery, and he suspects items for that unit will be needed soon.

Author Alias