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For many people the thought of saving for retirement is something that is a bit like navigating a jungle full of pitfalls and quick sand. Interest rates, inflation, health care concerns, taxes, mortgage payments, job security, and the big unknown; how long you are going to actually live are all things that factor into whether or not you are going to thrive or just survive in retirement.

On Monday, July 17th at 7:00pm at the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre and on Saturday, July 22nd at 10:00am at the St. John Leisure Centre, Certified Financial Planner Tayla Wonitowy from Experior Financial Group will be hosting a seminar called “Saving Taxes in Retirement.” The seminar will cover such topics as strategies to reduce taxes for retirement, different types of retirement and pension plans and maximizing retirement income.

“Time and time again we see the real need that Canadians need help financially. The world is doing some crazy things right now…interest rates, debt levels…all of these things are combined to set up the perfect storm for Canadians.” says Wonitowy. She goes on to say that  “Many Canadians are living paycheck to paycheck because people are taking on more debt….not because they are spending frivolously, but because the cost of living is getting higher, inflation is getting higher and wages are not keeping pace those things.”

For those who are struggling with the cost of living and wanting to save more for retirement, Wonitowy says the best thing people should do is talk to a financial professional. “When you have somebody who is experienced with what is going on in the world financially, and has a very good understanding of you and your financial situation, and what your goals are…that person can really set you in the right direction to make sure that the financial playing field is leveled.”

 When it comes to saving for retirement Experior Financial Group believes that people need three things to attain what they want for a successful retirement; a financial plan, a financial coach, and a financial education. “When you can actually sit down and take a look at your financial picture and understand what you need to do….but also more importantly why you need to do it, then you can make strong decisions and be empowered by those decisions,” states Wonitowy. And the folks from Experior can help with that.

Tayla Wonitowy will be presenting two lectures on preparing for retirement this month.

  1. Monday, July 17th at 7:00pm at the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre
  2. Saturday, July 22nd at 10:00am at the St. John Leisure Centre

The cost is completely free so the price is right so why not take an hour and learn how you can put yourself in a better position to thrive in retirement.

For more details visit www.financialseminarseries.com

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