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Hainsworth says it's still too early to say how much money is needed for the new pool.

Over $1 - million has now been secured through grants and fundraising efforts for the new swimming pool in Deloraine.
Pam Hainsworth, CAO for Deloraine - Winchester, says they are still waiting on approval from the Municipal Board on the municipality's borrowing application. In the meantime, she says the fundraising committee will continue to forge ahead in its efforts, so in the end, they will not need to borrow for the project. 

Grant money has come in from multiple sources. "One was from Building Sustainable Communities. Another one was from Tundra Oil and Gas Place. There's over $200,000 that has been raised by fundraising efforts, and then another four and a quarter, $425,000 committed from Gas Tax funding."
Hainsworth says it's still too early to say how much money is needed for the new pool.

"We're working through demolition and kind of revamping the current building to be able to do some revamped family change rooms and things like that. And then (we're) building a separate mechanical building on site, and we hope that's going to take place late this fall or early spring so that when spring comes, we can kind of get going, but it's sounding like the opening has been delayed a little bit."

Based on the new timeline, Haisworth says the opening date for the new pool is set to happen on July 29th of 2024.

Deloraine's old pool opened in 1980, but due to structural issues, it closed last year and remains closed this year.

Deloraine's old pool opened in 1980, but due to structural issues, it closed last year, and remains closed this year.
Deloraine's old pool opened in 1980, but due to structural issues, it closed last year, and remains closed this year.

- With files by Barry Lamb - 

Author Alias