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Thelma Jane (Way) Johnson

September 7, 1927 – July 23, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our loving mom, grandmother and great-

grandmother, Thelma Jane (Way) Johnson, on July 23, 2023, at the age of 95. Thelma was born

September 7, 1927 to Clara and Charles Way on their farm home near Crestwynd, Saskatchewan. She was the seventh child, with six sisters and six brothers. She helped her busy mother look after the younger siblings when she wasn’t going to school. Thelma often told vivid stories of her childhood, how much she loved school, and the amazing adventures she had with her brothers and sisters. 

Thelma knew our dad, William (Bill) Johnson (who we lost in May 2013) when they were both kids, even though they did not go to school together. She told us that she and Dad began dating after being at a local dance. She shared fondly that, although she was escorted to the dance by another partner, she allowed our handsome father to escort her home instead. This was the beginning of their life together.

She told stories like this with a smile and a laugh that warmed our hearts. Bill and Thelma were married on May 6th, 1949. They raised five loving children--three sons: Thomas (Tom), William Howard (Howie), Ronald (Ron), and two daughters: Catherine (Cathy) and Carol. Thelma, Bill and the family lived on a farm near Crestwynd and created many beautiful memories.

Eventually the children began to marry and raise families of their own. Thelma spoke highly of her daughters-in-law Sylvia (Tom), Brenda (Howie) and Linda (Ron) and sons-in-law Norman (Cathy) and Lorne (Carol). She loved them all as she did her own children. She was a devoted and loving grandmother to 11 grandchildren: Harley, Jill (predeceased January 2013), Darla, Leisa, Amy, Leah, Regan, Jennifer, Joel, Eric and Evan and 17 great grandchildren: Elise (Eli), Will, Brayden, Sarah, Ethan, Tessa, Claire, Kiara, Carter, Keegan, Brooklyn, Boston, Penny, Lacey, Lucas, Rylynn and Shyloh. Thelma was always happiest with one of her grandchildren or great-grandchildren on her lap, giving love and making them feel special.

Thelma had many talents. One of the greatest was her ability to draw the family (including extended family and friends) together by hosting events at the farm, cooking huge delicious meals, and making everyone feel welcome. She also loved music and she and Dad placed great importance on each of us learning to play a musical instrument. When the “boys” were old enough, Mom and Dad started a dance band called “The Country Aces”. Later the band became known as “Lorne and the Country Aces” and, eventually, “The Johnson Band”. Mom called herself the “Band-Aid” because she played the important role of booking the dances and managing the events as they came up. Eventually she taught herself to play the bass guitar and joined the band, adding the beautiful bass tone to the mix. The band was one of her favourite accomplishments in life and she loved to tell and retell stories about the fun times we all had.

Thelma touched the hearts of everyone she met. She shared the best stories (some of them self-

admittedly embellished), her laughter and smile making us all laugh and feel good. She loved farming and the country life, crocuses in the spring, growing a big garden, baking bread and cinnamon buns, milking a cow and selling cream to augment the family income. Thelma lived a good life without any major health challenges. She was completely devoted to her family and what she could do to make our lives better.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the exemplary care mom was given by the Chateau St. Michael’s staff for nearly a decade. They made the last years of her life happy and fulfilling and the last days comfortable and filled with love and compassion.

A Celebration of Life Come and Go tea will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm at Zion United Church, 423 Main St S, Moose Jaw.

“The speed of life will surprise you, and so will your ability to remember the sweetest moments”.

Sweet Magnolias

In living memory of Thelma, a memorial planting will be made by W.J. Jones & Son Ltd. Please sign the memorial register at website: www.wjjonesandson.com (Obituaries). Dayna Chamberlain - Funeral Director


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