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Burley says the city was able to work with the Province and the Pembina Valley Childcare Centre to come up with a plan of action and secure the additional spaces.

The start of development on a new childcare facility in Morden is imminent.
That's according to Mayor Brandon Burley.
Late last winter, Morden was one of a number of municipalities to get funding through the provincial government's initiative for advanced childcare spaces. Burley says the city was able to work with the Province and the Pembina Valley Childcare Centre to come up with a plan of action and secure the additional spaces.

As part of the agreements with the province, the land, lot structure, and servicing of the property must be provided by each municipality. 

"Our goal right now as a council is to ensure that we spread out the amenities as they come," said Burley. "We certainly don't want to put everything in one corner of the city and make it less accessible."

Last month, Burley says the city secured several acres of land in the northwest corner of the community. The land is located behind the Co-op grocery store off of Manchester Street. "There's a number of acres there that's sufficient for what is required to move ahead with this proposal."

Because the city was able to demonstrate need and capacity, Burley noted the province doubled the number of spaces for the city from its initial proposal.

"It's important because the ability to provide adequate childcare services to families is an important part of families being able to earn incomes, and it increases bottom lines for households across the city." 

Burley adds having availability to childcare, not only increases the financial well-being of Morden residents and its households but also has access to quality, safe childcare is fundamental during those hours.

The City of Morden was approved for a total of 104 new childcare spaces.

- With files from Robyn Wiebe -

Author Alias