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The average weekly earnings in Saskatchewan in May were down from April, but up year over year. (File photo)

Statistics Canada released their payroll employment and earnings numbers Thursday morning, and Saskatchewan is sitting in the middle of the pack in many of the metrics. The average weekly earnings in the province in May were $1156.83, which was the 5th highest in the country, and below the national average of $1205.35. The earnings for May were down from April by nearly $10, the largest decline of any province.  

The highest-earning industry was the mining, quarrying and oil & gas extraction sector. The average weekly earnings for those industries was $2206.16, which was down from $2319.97 in April. The lowest-earning industry was accommodation and food services, where the average weekly earnings are $410.30. This was up from April when it was $410.42. 

The largest increase to the average weekly earnings from April to May for any one sector was management of companies and enterprises, which went up by 7.83 percent to $1573.89. The largest decline for any sector was arts, entertainment and recreation, which declined by 15.81 percent to $617.39. 

The numbers from Statistics Canada do show a mixed economic performance when it comes to wages.  While the average weekly earnings in May ranked fifth highest in the country, it still fell below the national average. As Saskatchewan navigates its economic landscape, these figures underscore the importance of continuous analysis and targeted efforts to bolster various sectors and ensure the province's sustained growth and prosperity. 

Author Alias