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The committee's first order of business will be to install a lit crosswalk on 10th Ave. NW, connecting the pathway at the Centennial Park entrance to the newly paved trail on Millenium Drive across the street.

Altona's Equal Access Committee is taking action after July's Walk and Roll exercise identified several accessibility barriers and safety concerns within a few of the town's recreation areas.

"Basically, we've got a lot of work to do," said Perry Batchelor, Chair of the committee, following a review of the feedback gleaned during the exercise. "We have beautiful facilities in our community, we've just got to make sure they are accessible to all. That's not only for folks that deal with disabilities, but also our newcomers. So, we've put together a pretty extensive report and we're going to chip away at the deficiencies."

The committee is wasting no time in beginning to address those concerns. Its first order of business will be to install a lit crosswalk on 10th Ave. NW, connecting the pathway at the Centennial Park entrance to the newly paved trail on Millenium Drive across the street. 

"Development in that area is really booming," explained Batchelor. "There's multi-plexes, apartment buildings that are going up in that area. We anticipate more families moving into that area. That's also where Access Field is and then we've got the large parking lot and the Gallery in the Park. We just want to make sure there's a safe way to cross Tenth Avenue."

With the crosswalk's connection to the park's pathway system, the intent is to also keep pedestrian and cyclist traffic on the path and out of the vehicle loop, further enhancing safety at the park's main entrance.

"That's another area of concern," added Batchelor. 

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He was asked why the committee opted to go with a lit crosswalk instead of recommending a 3-way stop at that spot.

"To go to a three-way stop means a little more investigation than a crosswalk," he explained, noting the idea of a 3-way stop did come up in discussions. "That is something that may come back to Council and go to the police service and public works for further investigation."

Additionally, Batchelor noted a crosswalk will only disrupt traffic flow when required. "If nobody is using that crosswalk, then obviously, you can proceed through it."

He was quick to point out, however, the crosswalk planned for that spot is moveable and could be relocated should a 3-way stop be recommended in the future. 

The hope is to have the crosswalk, complete with lights and an audible signal, installed before the snow flies.

As for addressing the various other concerns that came out of the exercise, Batchelor says they will be dealt with in the coming years. That includes improving wheelchair accessibility in the park's washrooms, and modifying signage to include pictures depicting, for example, washrooms or building exits, for those whose first language isn't English. 

The committee has also determined there is a lack of signage and/or maps at the north entrance of the park indicating where the various baseball diamonds are located. 

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