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The provincial Ministry of Agriculture released its weekly crop report Thursday morning as harvest kicks into full gear across much of the province. Here in the southeast, it was reported eight per cent of the crop is now in the bin, which is on par with the five-year average, and slightly below the provincial average of nine per cent.  

The fall cereal harvest is almost wrapped up with 63 per cent of winter wheat and 55 per cent of fall rye now in the bin. As for spring-seeded crops, field peas and lentils lead the way in terms of getting harvested, at 39 per cent and 34 per cent respectively. Oats are the most harvested spring cereal at this point, with 14 per cent harvested. This includes three per cent that is being used for greenfeed or silage.  

When it comes to the moisture, it was sporadic in the southeast last week, with scattered showers and storms moving through, but not every part of the southeast saw rainfall. The most rain received was 36 millimetres near Indian Head. Some areas reported significant rainfall, and trace amounts in others.  

The topsoil moisture levels continue to suffer as a result of the lack of consistent precipitation. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as just 27 per cent adequate, 47 per cent short and 26 per cent very short. Things appear a bit direr for hay and pasture land topsoil moisture, where just 15 per cent is rated as adequate, 51 per cent is rated as short and 34 per cent is rated very short.  

The lack of rain is raising concerns for some livestock producers, as they are already starting to experience water shortages. As well, the quality of the water in the region is causing some concerns.  

There was some crop damage reported in the past week. The primary culprit has been the weather, with drought stress and wind responsible for damage. Grasshoppers and flea beetles have also been identified as sources of crop damage over the past week.  

Author Alias