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In the southeastern region, the harvest season is progressing steadily this week, with about 49 percent of the crops already gathered. This slightly exceeds the typical five-year average of 48 percent. Some rain in the area caused a temporary pause in harvesting operations, but when the weather improved, farmers made significant headway.

Although there are only a few acres of winter cereals left to harvest, the primary focus remains on spring cereals. Currently, more than half of all spring cereals have been harvested, with barley leading the way at 74 percent completion for the year. Lentils and field peas are also nearing completion, with less than 10 percent of these crops remaining in the fields. Chickpeas are at 48 percent completion for the year. Among the oilseeds, mustard is leading with 36 percent harvested, followed by canola at 23 percent and flax at 14 percent.

As for yield estimates for this year, the region benefited from spring rains and adequate moisture during the growing season. It is estimated that Hard Red Spring Wheat will yield around 41 bushels per acre, while canola is expected to yield approximately 33 bushels per acre. Lentils are projected to yield about 1,681 pounds per acre, and chickpeas are estimated at 1,605 pounds per acre.

In terms of precipitation, the southeastern region experienced the most rain in the past week, with all cropping districts receiving some rainfall. The Corning area received the highest amount, with 41 millimetres reported. Current moisture levels in cropland are at 36 percent adequate, 36 percent short, and 28 percent very short. Meanwhile, hay and pasture moisture is at 30 percent adequate, 42 percent short, and 28 percent very short.

Crop damage in the area has been attributed to issues like grasshoppers, localized flooding, and sooty mould affecting standing crops. Farmers are diligently engaged in swathing, combining, and cleaning their bins, while livestock producers are focused on providing water and feed for their animals and preparing for the upcoming winter season.

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Author Alias